Thursday, December 16, 2010

I guess we just keep plugging away...

So, last year I made a New Years resolution to read more. I already read quite a bit...every night in bed, sitting in the car waiting for the kids to be done practices. Sometimes I've even been known to read while making dinner if it is a really good book. But I wanted to read even more...I wanted to make a serious dent in the never ending shelf of books that I want to delve into. So I set myself a goal of 2 books a month (not alot really...) That's only 24 for the year.

Well, now it is closing in on the end of the year and I realize I haven't even come close. Not only did I not meet my resolution, but I read so far under my goal that I'm a little depressed about it.

But rather than throwing in the towel, I'm going to try again this year. What were your resolutions for 2010? Were you more successful than me?


  1. sounds like the kind of goal I set, and miserably fail to achieve.

  2. I am trying to read more too...but I usually read two or three books at a time...depending on my mood. I keep a book in the car, the bathroom, my purse. I will read while my husband watches TV. I used to read more when the kids were smaller because as you said, waiting for them to get off work, from a friends, shopping, or picking up from school...

    I am on the computer way too much, I don't get ANY THING accomplished! I think I should try to limit my time on the computer...(fat chance).

    I am beginning to think, the older we get the more resolutions are broken!
